Friday, December 5, 2008

How to Use Google Searching Effectivly

The basics of Google search is typing a one or more search terms in the search engine box and clicking enter. Google then produces a search page related to your term. Google is such a great way to get information on anything. You can go online and type in a word and get millions of results that have to do with that word. However. sometimes it might be difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. This could be because you might not be using Google search in the right way.

To maximize the effectiveness you can: choose the right search terms, capitalization does not matter, if you want more results type in more terms; for less type in less terms (a vacation spot in Hawaii type in vacation Hawaii), google ignores common words (such as where and how) so if a common word is needed to get the results you need put a + sign in front of it, it does not uses the stemming process which means that it also searches for the words that are similar to your search terms, if you want your results to have the exact words of a phrase put quotations around it (“the long and winding road”), for words that have more than one meaning put a minus sign in front of the term for the word that you don’t want to search ( to search about the bass fish you can put bass-music to avoid getting a different outcome), and when your done entering your search term you might want to try the “ I’m Feeling Lucky” button which takes you straight to the most relevant websites.

Wireless Networking Precautions

Why is it important to secure your wireless network? All unsecured wireless networks can allow hackers to spy on your online activities. Not only can they see what you are doing hackers could also gain full access to your computers hard drive. Even someone who is not a hacker and is just using your wireless to get on the Internet can cause you trouble. If they perform an illegal act on your wireless network it can get traced back to your computer.

There are some basics steps to help you secure your wireless network. The first step is to use and encryption, which is the process of transforming information using an algorithm to make it unreadable to anyone except those processing it. The second step is to make sure you don’t announce yourself. This means to not broadcast yourself on your Wi-Fi's identifier broadcasting. You already know that you have Wi-Fi so there is no need to use this. If you do your only helping hackers find your wireless network. The last step is to limit access to your access point. This means to limit what computers are allowed to use your wireless network usually by only letting computers with certain MAC addresses to use it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Strong Passwords (How to Create Them)

What is a strong password and how can you create an effective one? You can determine the effectiveness of a password by how many trials a hacker would need to guess it correctly. The strongest passwords have mixes of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and punctuation such as Jpl#12Ust$. Other strong passwords are usually built from a phrase that a user can memorize such as, The password for (4) this computer is too (2) strong for you to (4U2) guess!, which can be turned into the phrase, Tp4tci2s4U2g!.
Basically any random numbers, letter, and punctuation that you can remember are the strongest passwords. Even though these passwords might be harder to remember, when it comes to keeping hackers out of your business, they are very effective. If you are having trouble creating a password you can go to to have a strong password made for you. If you want to make sure the password you have is strong enough you can go to to test you own password.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Internet Parental Control Software

Internet parental control software is the best way to keep children from wandering into any unknown areas while they are on the Internet. It allows you to monitor a computer and see exactly what people do on that computer. You can keep an eye on what happens on your computer without anyone knowing about it.

People use these types of software, not only in the home but in the work office as well. It helps corporations and companies to keep an eye on their employees and make sure they are working and doing what they are supposed to do. These software's make it possible for you to also block certain websites and programs on the computer. It’s a great way to keep young children and your companies safe.

Internet Monitoring, Blocking, and Tracking

Monitoring software monitors and records every detail of computer and Internet activity. It can also can record: chat, instant message, email sent and received, web sites visited, keystrokes typed, programs launched, peer to peer file searching and swapping. This is great because it will help you keep an eye on what is going on without actually being there.

Blocking software allows you to block stuff such as websites, pop-ups, and allows you to set up passwords. It's great if you don’t want your children surfing the web and coming across something bad.

Tracking software like monitoring software can record instant messages, chats, emails sent and received, every keystroke typed, Online Searches, peer to peer file searching, Internet sites visited, and programs launched. Having tracking software is like the equivalence of a digital surveillance tape. You can see what has been done on your computer every time someone uses it.

Internet Filters

What is Internet filter software? Internet Filter Software is a great way to prevent unwanted material such as porn from making its way to your computer. You wouldn't want your child to be on the Internet and have a website with porn on it to pop up on the screen. Internet filter software gives you the ability to control content displayed, block websites, and set up passwords.

This is a great way to keep control of what your children are looking at and prevent them from being exposed to material that is not suited for them. These types of software can also filter your email, block pop ups, and monitor chat rooms. You will always know that your child is safe. Some different types of Internet filter software are: Christian Web Filter, Barracuda Web Filter, and Bsafe Online #1 Family Filter.

Internet Prental Guidance

Why is Internet parental guidance important? The Internet offers children and young adults experiences that are educational and can increase their school performance and future job potential. You wouldn' t want your children surfing the web without any guidance. There are certain areas of the Internet that can put children in unsafe situations. Areas such as: email, the web, and chat rooms. These areas at times can create a bad environment for children. That's it is so important for parents to monitor these areas. They can prevent their children from being exposed to porn, child predators, and other negative influences. These negative influences can make the positive experience that the Internet can be into a bad one.

To help keep their children safe parents can learn about the Internet by going to the library, community center, schools, or newspaper for information. They can also get more involved with their children's life and spend time with them online. Parents can also stay informed about parental controls and become an advocate for kids; by keeping the areas their kids explore safe for them.